Our Curriculum Vision for Science
Our aim, at Woodstone Community Primary School, is for all children to enjoy science and to develop a secure and deep understanding of scientific concepts, knowledge and investigative procedures.
It is our intent that all children are taught key skills through high quality teaching with regular opportunities to investigate and explore scientific concepts.
We want children to think of themselves as scientists and experience the fascination and excitement of discovery as they explore new concepts, and develop scientific skills in this subject.
Science at Woodstone
At Woodstone we recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in Primary Schools, we want our children to be naturally curious about the world around them. We ensure that science is taught every week and we take a practical approach whenever possible. We make cross-curricular links wherever possible, especially in English. Science also provides opportunities to apply maths skills in a practical context. We value enrichment opportunities and our pupils enjoy a variety of trips, visitors and special science activities.
Mrs Lynne Kennedy
Science Subject Lead
I lead Science and enjoy teaching an investigative and practical approach to science. I have a particular interest in animal biology and love teaching and learning about Space.